Lesson 22: Make your name sparkle in glitter using Photoshop CC


In this tutorial your students will make their name look like sparkly glitter. Your students will use patterns, transformations, layer effects, and blending modes. You will receive a 10-page PDF file with instructions so your students create this effect and a completed PSD file.

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Make your name sparkle in glitter using Photoshop CC

In this tutorial your students will make their name look like sparkly glitter. Your students will use patterns, transformations, layer effects, and blending modes. You will receive a 10-page PDF file with instructions so your students create this effect and a completed PSD file.

A free video is available for this lesson: https://nplphotoshop.com/2020/07/20/name-sparkle/

[responsive-flipbook id="sparkle_glitter_name"]

These lessons are all high-school/adult learner tested. I have used these lessons with hundreds of students, some with thousands of students. Many of the online tutorials are meant for intermediate or more advanced users and will skip steps. I have added steps and images to make the lesson easier to follow, these are not 1 page lessons. They are between 10 (for the simple ones) and 20 pages each! If you let me know of a step you would like added I will add it in and send you the updated file. I try to create these so my students have the least amount of questions possible.